Monday, February 17, 2025

xat test Patch Notes 2.0

Greetings, xat test staffs and users,

Welcome to 2.0, the one where we make a pretty big systemic change. Recently xat’s been having a lot of dramatic users and its out of control. These are the highlights of the rules and what we expect.

The rules were one of the major changes. We wanted to change the rules for a much more friendly environment and to make sure everyone enjoys the chat room.

These are the rule changes:

Rule 1:
|rule1d=The only language that is acceptable here is English. If user request help that doesn’t speak English then we should direct them to the appropriate chat, if you speak the same language as the user and would like to help that user out in that language then feel free to private chat the user to help them. Greeting others in another language is fine as well.

Was changed to: |rule1d=The only language that is acceptable here is English. Users who do not speak English should be assisted properly. Staff members should: Direct the user to the appropriate chat or help them in main chat and / or in private chat. Greetings in another language is acceptable.

What this means is, staff members should try to assist the users first before kicking them or booting them to the correct chat. You should also try and tell the user to use the translator app if they want to talk or need help.

Rule 2:
|rule2d=We do not permit harassment, discriminatory remarks, or derogatory slang terms. Do not say anything that may offend someone, including, but not limited to, flaming a person, group, or chat. For non-severe offenses, such as saying “you suck” or “shut up,” a warning will be given, whereas saying highly offensive words or committing more severe offenses would get you immediately banned.

Was change to: |rule2d=Harassing, discriminatory remarks, or derogatory slang terms is not acceptable. Do not say anything that may offend someone, including, but not limited to, flaming a person, group, or chat. For non-severe offenses, such as saying “you suck” or “shut up,” a warning will be given, whereas saying highly offensive words or committing more severe offenses would get you immediately banned. This may involve moderator discretion.

Staff members are allowed to be lenient at their own discretion! But not too lenient to users who are constantly trolling or seeking attention to start trouble. We don’t want that at xat test.

Rules were rearranged for a better chat – a better testing chat. The drama rule as we mentioned before is one of the biggest and most problematic issue on xat currently and we plan to be diverse from those other chats as much as possible. We will not tolerate it, or hesitate to ban anyone and everyone who causes drama. For that sole purpose we put Rule Three as Do not troll, post inflammatory remarks, or facilitate drama.

The change notes for rule 8 to rule 3:

|rule8d=Since this is a chat where users can test new powers and new features out on xat, there is there is little room for trolling or posting inflammatory remarks. We understand that users may have light-hearted fun by saying they need help and then asking a question not related to xat. This is not considered trolling. However, there are some cases to look out for. If this type of behavior becomes excessive or drawn out, or if the user has an obvious intent to annoy others or disrupt the chat, or if the user is being overly-obnoxious, they may be asked to stop. Posting things for obvious shock-value (something that may be seen as highly disgusting or angering) is considered overly-obnoxious and will not be allowed and can be considered trolling. Facilitating drama is also not allowed. This should primarily discourage negative discussion about occurrences or operations at other groups, unless a user is requesting assistance for dealing with such situations. Finally, do not repeatedly ask the same question after the question has been answered.

Was changed to: |rule3d=xat test is a chat room designed for users to test powers and get the latest update, so that means there’s little room for trolling, throwing shady remarks or posting inflammatory remarks. We understand that users may have light-hearted fun with being sarcastic. This is not considered trolling. However, there are some cases to look out for. If this type of behavior becomes excessive or drawn out, or if the user is being overly-obnoxious by annoying others and disrupting the chat, they may be asked to stop. Posting things for obvious shock-value (something that may be seen as highly disgusting or angering) is considered overly-obnoxious and will not be allowed and can be considered trolling. Facilitating drama is also not allowed. This should primarily discourage negative discussion about occurrences or operations at other groups, unless a user is requesting assistance for dealing with such situations.

We are not a drama chat and we should not be putting up with users stupidity. If you see something and you’re uncomfortable about the situation as a user, then feel free to contact a staff member who will assist you and make sure the issue is resolved. Again! This chat is not a drama place and anyone who causes drama will be banned or kicked for it.

If the user is making a big fuss about their kick or ban, silence them with a kick or ban. You as a staff members do not need to put up with their bull@!#$.

Another major concern on xat test was, how do users earn ranks on here.

How are ranks earned and how are they given!

|rule6d=Asking to become a member or above is not allowed. Earning ranks on xat_test is very simple, helping out, maintaining activity and showing dedication to xat_test.

Was changed to: |rule7d=Asking to become a member or above is not allowed. Positions at xat test are strictly earned.

Here’s how you and can ranks on xat test:
1/ Being active.
2/ Dedication to this chat room.
3/ Having a good history with xat.

Jumping down all the way to Rule 11 and what’s changed.

|rule11d=Since this is a testing chat then there’s bound to be some smiley spams that happens here and there and this normal for users who are testing smilies. However, if the user is just spamming smilies or trying to annoy the chat room then the user should be asked to stop. If others report lag due to smilies in a name or message, the user may be asked to remove smilies from their name or to limit their usage of smilies in messages. Adding a lot of extra characters to a word is fine, to a reasonable extent. Constantly clicking someone, resulting in tickle spam, is not permitted. Constantly erasing doodles is also not allowed.

Was changed to: |rule11d=xat test is a testing chat and there’s going to some users testing smilies multiple times and that’s normal. It should not be considered as smiley spamming. In some cases, some individuals would smiley spam which is not acceptable. That user should be asked to stop spamming as a warning. If others report lag due to smilies in a name or message, the user may be asked to remove smilies from their name or to limit their usage of smilies in messages. Adding a lot of extra characters to a word is fine, to a reasonable extent. A moderator will warn you if they deem your messages to resemble messages of spam. Constantly clicking someone, resulting in tickle spam, is not permitted. Constantly erasing doodles is also not allowed.

Just a little touching up on this for users who test smilies.

Rule 14 no longer exist. If you are interested in what rule 14 has to say, then here’s the description:
rule14=Selling identification numbers (IDs) is only allowed in status messages.
|rule14d=Selling identification numbers is only allowed in ”’status messages”’. Buying or selling identification numbers is not allowed in your name or main chat. All selling of identification numbers (ID) must take place in status messages. Selling xats, powers or days for off-site currency is prohibited in status. Only [[Resellers]] are allowed to sell for off-site currency. Buying or selling any other product or service is prohibited. This may involve moderator discretion.

This was added into rule12d which is:
|rule12d=Users may request to purchase subscriber days, but only if the user is out of subscriber days. All other trading should occur at the [ Trade chat]. Buying or selling xats, days, powers, identification numbers, or graphics is allowed only in status messages. Drawing signs to a status with the intent of bringing attention to the sale item(s) typically prohibited on the main chat is also not allowed, unless noted otherwise. Buying or selling any other product or service is prohibited. Buying or selling xat products for off-site currency is prohibited for most users for safety reasons. Please see rule 13 for more information on this.

Rule 16:
|rule16=|rule16d=Do not use the Size power above level w7 or w77. Names with smilies can exceed this limit to a reasonable extent, but can not overlap text or names. The use of [[Size]] and [[Big]] (combined) above size level w6 or w66 is not allowed. If the use of either of these powers in an avatar cause chat text to be blocked, the size must be reduced or the avatar must be changed.

Was changed to: 
|rule16=The use of Size and Big is restricted. Use of the Censor smiley.
|rule16d=Do not use the Size power above level w7 or w77. Names with smilies can exceed this limit to a reasonable extent, but can not overlap text or names. The use of [[Size]] and [[Big]] (combined) above size level w6 or w66 is not allowed. If the use of either of these powers in an avatar cause chat text to be blocked, the size must be reduced or the avatar must be changed. Using the censor smiley in a “flaming” matter of way is not considered inappropriate. However, abusing the smiley constantly will result in a warning. This may involve moderator discretion.

Using the censor smiley however you like is allowed, but abusing it such as spamming the censor smiley will result in a kick or a ban – left up to the staff members.  A staff member can also deem it as inappropriate if they feel they need to.

Bot information:
1/ The bot will not longer kick for the word S@$#^
2/ The bot will no longer link lightshot direct URL. No reason behind to why this was removed.

Finally, the staff information.

The staff information has took a beating multiple times and have been changed more than any of our rules. We hope to and do plan to put that information into use!

Here’s the updated version:

A full reason is required for each kick and ban. Owners do not have to include reasons for mutes. The only exceptions are when you are banning raid bots or banning users who keep unbanning themselves.
You must be active in order to maintain your position.
Do not ban for long periods of time for measly reasons. A day-long ban may not necessarily be fair for all rule violations. Think carefully about what is fair and appropriate.
If a raid is occurring, use the /pr protect mode.
If a user breaks a rule, then a staff member has the right to give them a chance or not. Depending on the situation that’s occured.
A ban should not be issued if a user leaves the chat but would normally get kicked for the committed offense.
If a user breaks a rule, then a staff member has the right to give them a chance or not. Depending on the situation that’s occured.
Consult a user of equal or higher rank when deciding to demote someone. In cases of clear abuse, you can demote immediately.
If a staff member is breaking rules please take it at your own discretion whether to demote them. If you are unsure please contact an owner.
Bans issued by the bot should be verified. If the user needs help, consider unbanning them.
Do not kick banned users unless they are rapidly clicking you.
If you are away or busy, please move to the staff pool. This will allow for the bot to make temporary moderators more accurately based on need.
If you are an owner and would like for someone to be a member, suggest that person to the main owner and make a case for why that person should become a member.
If an unregistered user reports something that happened in a private chat or message, do not take action. Tell the user to use the ignore feature.
Unprofessional conduct at other chats may put you at risk for getting demoted at xat test. This is handled on a case-by-case basis.
Contact the main owners: Maverick or Paul.

Older version: Somewhere . . . .

Thanks for reading and we hope to see this chat continue down it’s successful path.

One more thing that we might change is the forever banlist. That’s something we look forward to changing on xat test to give everyone a better second chance. However, not all bans will be lifted! Keep this in mind if we do go ahead with this.

Once again, thank you for reading and we hope to see a brighter future on this chat.

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